Living-Change 2016 in a Nice Narrative Nutshell
Portland State University (PSU) students have returned for our second year of the Living-Change program. With some reshuffling of our...

Final Thoughts on Cuba: Permaculture in Action and Strength in Community
Final Article 6 in the Sustainable Cuba Series. _________________________________________________________________________________________...

Cuba's Herbalism, Natural Remedies and Ingenious Use of Plants
Article 5 in the Sustainable Cuba Series. _______________________________________________________________________________________________...

Agriculture Abound: Cuba's Traditional Farming Techniques, Ecological Farms and Organoponicos
Article 4 in the Sustainable Cuba Series ________________________________________________________________________________________________...

Organic Urban Farms: Organoponico Gramo, Havana
Article 3 in the Sustainable Cuba Series... We visited 'Organoponico Gramo' in the Cerro neighbourhood of Havana, and we were treated to...

Initiation to Havana's Local Food Production
Article 2 in the Sustainable Cuba Series. From the plane window, before even landing in Cuba, I could observe that a huge proportion of...

Necessity is the Mother of All Invention: First Time Observations of Sustainability in Cuba
Because of Cuba's history (I won't go into the details here... do some research if you need a reminder), Cuba was forced to become...

Who am I? Or The Way of the Hof
The Hof turns rusty, bent nails into beautiful unique pieces of art and… it did the same for me. You know when you get an overwhelmingly...

10 Useful Things to do with Seemingly 'Useless' Tyres
In attempting to use old rubbish in our construction projects at Ka'Way Monti, Earth-Ship style, we started looking around the Ancash...

How can YOU best spend YOUR money to support a society YOU wish to live in?
Buying Local is a wonderful little trend that has been taking off in a wide variety of places around the world. Mostly, it is thought of...