Team Members

Chris Dyson
Executive Director
Chris holds a degree in Fine Arts, specializing in Film and Directing. After four formative years working in film in New York, Chris took off on a life-long dream of walking across the US. That began 11 years of travel that took him to every state in the US, Mexico, Europe and South America, and included stints working in coffee shops and running a warehouse in Seattle, WA.
Chris came to South America following a vision, and upon arrival in the mountains above Huaraz, Peru, he knew he was home. Since college Chris has proclaimed intentions to build a community from scratch, which made him “seem ridiculous,” but is a reality he is now fully immersed in with Ka’Way Monti. Chris has independently educated himself on community development, with many valuable lessons learned from his travels through, and living in, diverse communities.
Chris’s entrepreneurial spirit led to the establishment of the Ka’Way Monti School for Sustainability, and the Hof Hostel, both non-profit enterprises within the Ka’Way Monti organization (see www.KaWayMonti.org). With a deep appreciation for history, Chris is sensitive to the risks of history repeating itself as Ka’Way Monti works with the best of intentions to support and create sustainable communities in the ancestral lands of the Quechua peoples.

Dror Noy
Program Teacher and Facilitator
Dror Noy holds a diploma from Knowmads Business School in Amsterdam, and is a professor of Social Business Management at the Kibbutzim College of Education in Tel-Aviv. With a passion for community-living and adventure, Dror has spent the last 9 years working in the field of group dynamics and informal education working toward changing the current education paradigm.
Dror left his 9-5 marketing office job to set off into nature, learning and experiencing the world of Permaculture & eco-community living. After a 6 month quest, he joined the social change protest movement in Israel helping to establish a Jew-Arab camp in Jaffa to bring together the social needs of both communities. This experience helped him to realize that it was time to follow his calling and left Israel. For 3 years, he traveled working in different social and environmental projects across Asia, South America & Europe; exploring Permaculture, spirituality, & positive social change.
Dror is a social entrepreneur who guides processes of change & development in organizations & communities focusing on the topic of transformational learning & leadership in nature, with nature. He is a co-founder of “presente!” Organization For Changemakers in Education on the belief that in order to co-create new social realities, we must address the individual need for self-expression. Our hopes and dreams are essential for our future.
Chris Dyson

Julia Bowerman
Director of Operations
Julia Bowerman holds a degree in International Development Studies with Spanish from the University of Sussex, UK. After spending years studying global inequality, and the negative impacts that people or NGOs can have by trying to improve the world through their view of what is ‘right’, she decided to focus her efforts and intentions on projects promoting sustainable living. This different approach began with learning through volunteering at various eco-communities around Europe. Shortly after finishing university, she left Europe to continue this practice traveling around Latin and North America for three years, where she deepened her understanding of permaculture, natural building, and how to live with nature in a sustainable way.
Julia has a passion for circus skills, languages (she is fluent in Spanish and French), art and creativity, making macrame jewellery, nutrition, herbalism, cooking, singing and music-making, yoga and meditation, rock climbing, and physically challenging the human body (in 2015 she cycled 5000km across Mexico, Guatemala and Belize, and climbed two 18,000ft glacier peaks).
Ka’Way Monti embodies many things that are important to Julia: sustainable living through permaculture and natural construction; working with indigenous people for community empowerment and keeping ancestral knowledge alive; as well as holistic well-being and spiritual growth. She has been part of the Ka’Way Monti team since 2012, helping out with her organisational abilities, language skills, and creativity.